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The value of play log verification cannot be overlooked, it is of vital importance in the DOOH environment. Everyone from the advertiser, screen owner and viewer is impacted, and access to the right tools is essential.

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What Is Play Log Verification?

Play log verification allows the interested parties to understand the impact of their digital screens and content. It is the process of ensuring that digital screens are playing the correct content and delivering informative reports.

The constant advances in both OOH and DOOH play logs are having a large impact on the industry. These tools are generally built into the player, and the reports are distributed to the parties who will benefit.

There is a large variety of information that is collected via these play logs. For example, the time and location the creative was played, the number of people who walk past, how long they observe, their estimated age and their gender.

Laptop showing data

How The Data Is Collected

Originally this information had to be collated manually, but with cameras and cloud-based technology, it has been automated. The sensory and observatory equipment that's attached to many digital displays is what makes this information gathering possible.

Often people raise valid issues of privacy concerns due to the use of cameras and other recording equipment. This is avoided by aggregating the data and removing any personally identifiable data points. What this means is that any data that is collected can never be associated with an individual person.

Man observing data

Who Can Use The Data

Play log verification data are used by both the screen owner/administrator and advertising companies. The reports generated can include an array of information and each user will have a specific metric they’re interested in.

Advertisers will be looking at ways to measure their return on investment (ROI), such as impressions. On the other hand, the owner will be looking at data to determine if there are any issues such as creatives not being played when expected.

How The Data Is Used

The way in which the data is used will vary between users, which is a benefit of using a cloud-based solution. This method of data collection ensures that every possible relevant piece of information is collected and leaves little room for error. Being such extensive reports ensure that no matter who looks at them, the data they require is there in a presentable manner.

These play logs help keep the integrity of all parties in check as the reports can’t lie. Advertisers will have a form of assurance that their content is hitting the right people, and owners will have leverage for deals.

When play logs are combined with a programmatic digital out-of-home system (pDOOH), the marketplace becomes more reliable and trustworthy. The supply-side platform can be confident that they are getting adequate compensation whilst demand-side platforms are getting what they paid for. Combining these two systems also allows the generated reports to be sent to the right people at the end of every campaign.

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Value Of Play Log Verification

Wed Apr 28 2021

Value Of Play Log Verification
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